Thursday, January 31, 2013

Golf Tournament 3/2/13

Terry gave me the brilliant idea to host a golf tournament as a way to raise the money for my trip. I am hoping to make enough to buy supplies and put toward my trip. I need help though - I need anyone and everyone to come golf!!! Saturday, March 2, at Quick Sand golf course. The tournament will start at 9 am and is $60 per person. That's $12 more than it costs to golf there anyway on Saturday! Lunch and soda/bottled water will be provided, and I have a TON of door prizes to give away!!! There will also be prizes for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place teams. It's a 4 man scramble but any golfer is welcome to play - we'll find a team! 

I have had lots of local businesses donate items - I promise to make this worth your while! SO please local friends, tell your family, friends, co-workers, and anyone you can think of to come golf!!!! I'll have more information as the date gets closer, but for now save the date!
Email me if you have any questions!

*Golf course is slightly further away from Hawaii in real life!*
image courtesy of google 

Quick Detail

First, I would like to say thanks for the overwhelming response from everyone about the trip! I am so grateful for all the support!!! I just wanted to mention a quick but important detail - if you donate through the Project Humanity Website, please be sure to add my name in the "intended for" blank otherwise the money will not go toward my personal trip. The money will be put to good use no matter what, but it goes specifically to my trip when you put my name there. Thanks so much!!! You can also donate by sending me a check made out to Project Humanity if you are not comfortable putting your info on the net! :) I promise to update tomorrow with some exciting things you can be a part of!!!



Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Kenya Trip May 17-26, 2013

I borrowed this picture from a friend of mine who has been to Kenya a few times with Project Humanity. 

I am going to Kenya!!!!!!!! I am so privileged to be able to travel to Kenya May 17th-26th. I will be traveling to Kenya with Project Humanity on a medical mission trip. I need your help to get there! My goal is to raise $4000.00 - $3,000 for the cost of the trip and an additional $1000 toward medical and school supplies to take with us. I am sure you are thinking that is a lot of money - airfare alone is over half of that. Please know that any donation is greatly appreciated and helps so much! 

Let me tell you a little bit about what we are doing and where your money is going! 

We are going to a remote village, Kissumu in Kenya. Approximately half of the population ages 20-55 have died from HIV/AIDS. This has left many orphans who are often taken in by other villagers. The needs there are so great. The people there do not have shoes and are often infested with parasites and worms. We will be running a 5 day medical clinic. On previous trips the clinic has seen over 600 patients in just 5 days. The medical clinic we will be running there will provide care for these villagers to treat the parasites and a variety of other health issues they have. We will also be taking shoes to the village to give to the people there to help protect their feet.

In addition, we will be taking school supplies to the schools there. Our hope is to be able to educate the children there so they can raise a generation that can sustain themselves. We will be planting gardens that are approximately an acre with sweet potatoes and corn and teaching the women how to harvest and sell the crops so they can provide for themselves. We will also be taking goats and chickens to the women in the village. One goat costs $40 and can provide enough to sustain an entire family. A chicken costs $10 and will provide eggs to feed an entire family. With so many orphans in the village, these gifts literally save lives. 

Finally, we are digging wells to provide clean water. $250 allows Project Humanity to drill a water well that will provide clean water to an entire community. These wells provide parasite free water for the people to drink which in turn increases their quality of life and health. 

I hope that provides a clear picture of just how much you can help with just a small amount of money. We also need supplies and if you know someone who would prefer to donate medical supplies, school supplies, toys, etc. as opposed to money, please email me at 

I will close my plea for your help by telling you this. When I was in 5th grade, I attended Vacation Bible School with a friend. A missionary came and spoke to us about the work she was doing in Kenya. She gave each of us a bracelet. I kept that bracelet for the longest time, and every time I would look at it, I would try to imagine the life the people in Kenya led. I couldn't. I still can't. I knew from that moment on that I wanted to go. Whenever God called me, I would go. That call came in September, and although it took me until November to answer, I am going. Thank you for your support, your prayers, and your love; for me and the people of Kenya. 



Then the righteous will answer him, 'Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you? The King will reply, 'Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.'
Matthew 25:37-40 

How To Donate: 

THere are 2 ways to give: 

To donate to my trip directly through Project Humanity, please follow this link and enter "Melissa Richardson" in the donation intended for blank! Buy a chicken or goat while you're there!

I also have this page set up so you can donate and see how close I am to reaching my goal! 

I borrowed this from a friend of mine who has been a couple of times. This is inside the school there. Aren't they precious?