Thursday, May 30, 2013

Getting There...

I mentioned in my last post that my passport went missing before we left. Long story but I'm pretty sure it involved a certain 2 year old I know! Thankfully, the other girls from San Angelo were kind enough to leave at midnight and drive literally all night to Houston so I could go to the passport office on Monday. Two of them crashed at the hotel while one of them was nice enough to come with me and wait it out at the passport office. I have to say the Houston office is MUCH nicer than the DC office and the guy even got a good laugh out of me by the time we were done. It really wasn't that painful of a process. I was exhausted by the time we got on the plane and honestly I think the whole ordeal really kept me from being fearful on the plane. 

We stopped in Detroit, then flew to Amsterdam, and then to Nairobi. We stayed the night in Nairobi at a nice hotel - it was the last hot shower I would have for over a week! :) I met my roommate that night who happens to be one of the coolest people I've ever met. She is from North Carolina, about my age, and is a flight attendant for Southwest. She has been all over the world, and told me some must read books. The first one on my list is Radical - she said it really changed the way she viewed a lot of things, especially being a Christian in America. I'm excited to read it. Anyway, we were the best and worst of roomies because when everyone else was sleeping, we were still talking! It was so fun though and I feel like God really blessed me through her! 

The next day ( I have no idea what day it was - Thursday I think!), we went got on a bus for the loooong ride to Rusinga Island. It's a 10 hour drive in Kenya but it'd probably be about 6-7 here. The roads in Kenya are terrible, the driving is even worse, and there are speed bumps randomly all along the interstate. But there are also baboons which made it totally worth it! The journey there was long but my adrenaline kicked in and I really didn't miss a beat! 

9 Suitcases full of supplies...all ready to go!!! See that backpack next to the zebra bag - it was mine. That was all I packed for myself for the whole trip - I am pretty much a new woman! ;) 

The night we got in - do I look tired? I was literally on cloud 9! I loved everything about Africa as soon as I got there! This was taken in one of the vans we had for the week - do you like the fire extinguisher? :) 

Meet Teddy - he is our in country coordinator - nothing works without him! He is an amazing person!

Our room in was about 9 hours of sheer bliss while we were there! It was really beautiful! 

Clearly, I'm old and like to take pictures of plants! haha 

I had to take pictures of all of it - it was dark when we got there so I snapped all of these on the way out that morning! I wanted to be sure I could remember actually being there! hah

This was next to our construction I think. I thought it was hard to tell there what was new and what was dilapidated and waiting to be torn down. Sad but true. 

We stopped at the rift valley on our way - it was quite breathtaking. Pictures really don't do it justice. 

I thought this village was so neat! They told me the name of the tribe that lives there but I already forgot...

More plant life...

This is so I can remember how close to death I was as our van driver would whip out around people on this two lane road and just honk to let them know we're coming. You can't see around the curves and its just a drop off on the side but that doesn't stop them from passing. CRAZY! 

Sorry its sideways - but these cuties were walking down the road when we stopped and they had no shoes. So we opened up our suitcase and gave them some. Their little faces were priceless! 

BTW - it was rainy season while we were there. They only have two seasons - rainy season and not rainy season(?). Anyway, it was in the 80's I'd guess during the day and many of the people were dressed this way - like ready for snow! I guess thats what living on the equator does to you! I loved it!

All they did was stare at their feet - it was so sweet! Oh, the things we take for granted here...

You know me...had to take one of the pup! I couldn't pet any of them while I was there (rabies) so I had to take pictures! 

Monday, May 13, 2013


We leave tomorrow!!!!
After a misplaced passport (mine), an all night drive to Houston, an all day stay in the passport office, and a little panic I am all set to leave tomorrow. Today I am thankful for small miracles!
We are headed to Walmart one last time, double checking the weight of our luggage, and then hopefully getting some sleep. Thank you to everyone who has prayed for me (especially the last 48 hours), given your time, money, and talents to make this trip possible. I love each of you. Pray for us tomorrow and pray for the people in Kenya that we'll be meeting very soon!

Lots of Love!
Passport: Keep out of reach of children ;)

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Roof Fundraiser

I am happy to report that we raised $600 for the roof repairs!!!!!!!

Buffalo Wild Wings really went above and beyond and gave everyone who donated a free appetizer, which was beyond 30! Before we got started I had the opportunity to share what we're doing in Kenya with the servers. Their response was overwhelming as one after another started pulling out money to donate. It was so moving!

I meant to get pictures of us at the table but forgot - totally typical of me! Thanks to everyone who came out and donated! Two more days until we leave, three until we are on our plane, and four until I get to meet the people I have been praying for for months now. I can't wait! 

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

One Last Fundraiser

Since Darren sent us this picture...

I cannot get the sad shape of the school off my mind. Given that we leave in less than a week and that my family, church, and friends have already been so generous, I have been racking my brain to come up with a way to help raise the money for the roof.  Between my church, family, and family's church every want and need I asked for has been met including quite a few chickens and a few goats - pretty incredible! Anyway, I digress. Thankfully, I happen to live in a community that really loves to help. 

Buffalo Wild Wings has offered to host a fundraiser specifically for funds for the roof this Friday from 11am to 2pm. The first 30 people who come and donate will receive a free appetizer of their choice! How awesome is that?!?! 

Some of you may be thinking, "somehow I already knew about this." That would be because Boomer from 97.5  has been running the story on the radio and has put it on their website!!! I couldn't say better things about a radio station - he is amazing and beyond helpful! 

If you're thinking it can't get better, you're wrong. Skyler Nichols from KIDY will be interviewing us tomorrow about our trip and the fundraiser. The story will air tomorrow night - I think. I'll let you know!  

So tell your friends and coworkers to come eat at Buffalo Wild Wings on Friday!!! Hopefully, I will see you there!!!! 

PS I will continue to post awesome things here this week - it's just getting better the closer we are to leaving.
 Except that overwhelming nausea I feel thinking about the plane! :) 

Monday, May 6, 2013

School Supply Drive

A couple of weeks ago one of the schools here graciously offered to host a school supply drive for us. It ended Friday and when I went to pick up the boxes, I was blown away. This is what my trunk looked like...

I had two more boxes in my backseat and all of them are full. I'm pretty sure we got enough glue sticks to last forever! :) 

I could not believe all that was given and am so excited to be able to deliver these supplies to the kids there. This is an especially big blessing considering the storm that came through last week and all that they lost. 

I was told there was another box full this morning. The winning class will have a cupcake party Friday. Funny how motivated kids get when it comes to cupcakes! In case you're not from around here, Veribest is a very small school so this is huge! I am so grateful for their generous spirit! 

It's getting close - in just one week, I'll be in Houston!!! I have LOTS more to update but want to do it one post at a time!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Urgent Request

I don't want anyone who reads this to think all I do is beg for money or donations. Even though I kind of do. It's just that after seeing pictures of the way the people in Kenya live compared to the way we live, I realize how even the smallest donation can really change a life over there. Five dollars is enough to make a difference to them and it won't even buy lunch here. 

That being said, a storm came through the town where we will be working and blew the roof off of the school. Everything in that part of the school was destroyed. So we are on a quest to collect as many school supplies as we can take and raise as much money as we can to help replace the roof. Our team leader has requested an estimate and is waiting for an answer, but for now the goal is $1,000 to replace the roof. If you'd like to help in any way, please let me know! Even $5 will help! 

These are the pictures of the school there. Notice that little cutie in the picture? Also notice what's in the sky - God's promise! 

 Like the appearance of the bow that is in the cloud on the day of rain, so was the appearance of the brightness all around. Such was the appearance of the likeness of the glory of the Lord. And when I saw it, I fell on my face, and I heard the voice of one speaking.